2nd List of applicants selected for admission to 1-year Diploma in Organic Farming – 2022-23


Based on the performance in the admission test and the subsequent counselling and as per choice opted by the applicants, the following applicants have been provisionally selected for admission in ‘1-year Diploma in Organic Farming (DOF)’ for the session will begin from 07 October 2022.. For details please keep visiting our website regularly(www.rkmvuranchi.ac.in).

Click here for list of selected applicants

Last Date to take admission: 11 September 2022

NOTE: This admission should be treated as provisional, confirmation is subject to submission of attested / original copies of all the relevant documents, failing which will lead to cancellation of admission.

The selected candidates should pay the admission fees online from Admission Portal. Payment link can be found in the Dashboard of the Portal.

  • Requisite payable fees : Rs.8300/-+ transaction charges
  • Admission fees can be paid by using UPI, Net Banking (which attracts least transaction charges).
  • Upon successful fees payment, the receipt can be downloaded from the same Admission Portal. This is your fees receipt.

The University expects its students to maintain a high order of discipline and academic integrity, which would be considered part and parcel of the course along with academic performance. The students should attend each and every class (both theoretical and practical) and the inability to attend should always be with prior permission only.

Parents/guardians of the students are advised to be in close contact with the Asso. Dean or Head of the Department and the teachers and obtain feedback about their wards’ performance etc. The University welcomes the newly admitted students and wishes them all the best in their study with the prayer that they may use the knowledge and wisdom acquired for the all-round welfare of the society, particularly their rural and the underprivileged brethren. Students have to get uniforms as per the cloth sample given by the University. Boys should wear half or full sleeve shirt and pant, and girls should wear salwar – kameez (full or half sleeve).